We are in the process of rolling out our new website which will be developed in stages.
Thank you for your patience and feel free to contact us with any queries at info@carerkafe.org.au or call (03) 9614 1577.

National Kinship, Permanent & Foster Care Conference 2024

National Kinship, Permanent & Foster Care Conference 2024

Carer Kafe is delighted to be supporting Victorian Home-Based Carers to attend the highly anticipated National Kinship, Permanent & Foster Care Conference in Melbourne from Friday 9 August - Sunday 11 August 2024. 

The National Conference is a gathering of passionate caregivers from across the country, joining to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and learn from experts in the field. It serves as a platform for personal and professional growth, as well as an invaluable opportunity to connect with fellow carers who share your dedication and commitment. 

Carers who are selected will have their Conference registration fees paid by Carer Kafe. A $150 voucher will be provided also in recognition of potential travel and babysitting costs. In addition, carers who live two or more hours drive from the venue are also eligible to apply for three-nights accommodation to stay at a four-star hotel in close proximity (approximately 10 minutes walk) checking in on Thursday 8 August and checking out Sunday 11 August.  

Venue: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre  

Address: Convention Centre Place, South Wharf, Melbourne  

Dates: Friday 9 August (morning) - Sunday 11 August (afternoon) 

Registrations have now closed.

Selection will be via a random ballot with carer type (kinship, permanent, foster), diversity and geographical targets considered. Only one carer per household can be sponsored to attend by Carer Kafe.  Carer Kafe strongly encourages any interested carers to apply for this valuable opportunity. Please feel free to contact us with any queries at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone on 03 9614 1577. 

Our Governing Reference Group

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