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Connection at The Lume – February 2024

Trigger Warning: This web page contains references of an Aboriginal deceased person.

Carer Kafe supported a large group of kinship, foster and permanent carers and children to attend the incredible exhibition on First Nations Art & Music titled Connection at The Lume Melbourne on Saturday 3 February 2024.

It was a moving and breathtaking experience to witness creations from over 110 visual and musical artists within an immersive environment celebrating land, water and sky country co-curated by Aboriginal Art Specialist Adam Knight and Indigenous Photographic Artist Professor Wayne Quilliam.

Attendees experienced an Acknowledgement to Country installation introducing smoking ceremonies, a main area with multiple projections, an interactive gallery and viewed original artworks on sale. The exhibition included the public premiere of Emily’s Wall, a series of works painted over a year by Anmatyerre woman Emily Kame Kngwarreye representing the passing seasons from her life. 

On the day carers received the official Lume program, kids’ activity workbooks and colouring pencils to inspire young artists at home to explore the content and themes shared. We'd also like to extend our thanks to the VACCA staff who volunteered their time on the day and to The LUME Melbourne for their support in facilitating our visit.

Feedback from carers indicated that this was a wonderful opportunity to experience and learn about Aboriginal art and connection to country. 

“Connection was an amazing experience, thank you so much for the opportunity to attend.”

“Our little 10-year-old and 7-year-old absolutely loved the experience and the lovely souvenir book they will keep in their memory box of special things.”

“We really loved this opportunity. The way that Carer Kafe also supported us through the information that was provided was amazing! Thank you so much!!”

“The program and activity books were wonderful and extended the learning into our home. It was lovely to sit down with my grandchild after the visit and work through the activity book whilst talking about our experience.”

Continue to look out for opportunities to attend events and upcoming Learning and Development sessions on theCarer Kafe Training Page.

Don’t forget to sign up to ourmailing listto keep up to date with the latest Carer Kafe information, as well as like and follow us onFacebook.

We look forward to inviting carers to more events in 2024!


Lume combined


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