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Learning and Development Retreat – 30 November to 1 December 2024, Geelong

53 carers met for an All-Home-based Carers Learning and Development Retreat with a carer wellbeing focus on the lands of the Wadawurrung people at Novotel, Geelong. There was a buzz of excitement all around the room from the very beginning as the Kinship, Foster and Permanent Carers met around morning tea.

The retreat commenced with a wonderful Welcome to Country from Kiah Morrison who used the rain and the subsequent cancellation of an outdoor Smoking Ceremony as the opportunity to incorporate rain drenched fresh gum leaves into her Welcome.

Carers then mingled during a fun getting-to-know-you activity introduced by Kylie Groen from VACCA. Megan Corcoran from the Wagtail Institute led a Carer’s Wellbeing session for the remainder of the day which saw great participation and enthusiasm from all.

The second day kicked off with a wonderful yoga and mindfulness session from Laura Grace of Awesome Beings. This was followed by a valuable and informative presentation from the Services Australia Grandparent, Foster and Kinship Carers Advisors (GFKCA) program. After a break for lunch, carers enjoyed a Creative Arts Therapy and Wellbeing session led by Fiona McGrath (Water Ribbons Art Therapy) and Sara Grace (Arts Therapy Studio). Carers were asked to swap tables for this activity to meet carers they had not yet met during the retreat. This was a resounding success as they enjoyed creating Wellbeing Collage Cards amidst the opportunity to connect with other carers. 

Feedback from carers was that they enjoyed the education and wellbeing sessions and found the experience of connecting with other carers invaluable:

“Attending exceeded my expectations and to be honest never had any interest in peer support and engagement but this was a real value add and was inspired by such amazing people facilitating, organising and attending. Great vibe as in supportive, open and non judgemental.”

“It allowed me to meet so many Kinship Carers in the same position as I find myself and also the education component was very helpful.”

“I got so much out of the two days. Covers everything a carer needs.”

“It was an opportunity to connect with the OoHC village. I felt heard, validated and supported.”

“I loved so much about the weekend! Connecting with other carers probably my favourite takeaway!”

“It was more than I expected or hoped for.”

“I got to relax, got relevant information and felt supported.”

“I feel recharged in my caring role.”

Carer Kafe NovDec24 Retreat Collage


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