We are in the process of rolling out our new website which will be developed in stages.
Thank you for your patience and feel free to contact us with any queries at info@carerkafe.org.au or call (03) 9614 1577.

Sexting, Cyberbullying and Strangers Online - A Webinar Series on how to reframe online safety conversations at home for children in care aged 0-18.

Post by Rebecca Martin, Evolve Education...

Carer KaFÉ was pleased to host the first carer retreat for 2022. Facilitated by the Foster Care Association Victoria (FCAV) at the beautiful Bellinzona Hotel, Hepburn Springs in June 2022.



NAIDOC Week is a time to celebrate the history, cultures, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This year’s theme of Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! can take...

Children and young people in out-of-home care face unique challenges and an increased likelihood of encountering online harms such as cyberbullying, unwanted contact (grooming) and having their...

Shape the direction of Carer KaFÉ

The 2021 announcement of ongoing funding for Carer KaFÉ has assured we are ‘here to stay’ and can continue to provide learning and development opportunities for...


Welcoming 2022 with three outdoor sessions - Explore Culture


Carer KaFÉ kicked off 2022 with three outdoor  face-to-face sessions in Sunbury, Preston and...

To begin the month of March, the Carer KaFÉ team sat in on a very informative webinar hosted by Kidsafe, focused on keeping children safe from accidental injury. Presented by Kidsafe Victoria CEO...

With children now heading back for another school year, we chatted with Kevin (Program Manager) from the Pyjama Foundation and presenter of our upcoming session, Love of Learning.

Why should carers...

Our Governing Reference Group

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