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Specifically designed for new foster carers, this podcast series provides guidance and tips straight from other carers and staff who work in out-of-home care in Victoria.   


Tune in and hear Emma Bamblett talk about Cultural Support Plans which are essential for Aboriginal children in care. Learn about what is involved in creating a Cultural Plan, who is involved...

Foster Care Association of Victoria in partnership with  Carer KaFÉ: Kinship and Foster Care Education invites you to a webinar on permanent care conversions. A permanent care conversion...

FCAV's Deb Collard was joined by Karyn Lloyd, Practice Leader of the Family Drug Treatment Court & Marram-Ngala Ganbu, Child Protection, Department of Health and Human Services to discuss the...

FCAV's Deb Collard is joined by carers Vanessa and Stephen to discuss the features of a good care team, including roles, expectations and communication. Care teams should ensure that all members put...

Our Governing Reference Group

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